The Result of Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT) held on 31 August 2014 (Sunday) is now Declared, Only candidates who have cleared AFCAT and EKT both will be considered for Technical Branch you can check AFCAT 02/2014 result on this page. This year the question paper was based on slightly different pattern as compared to previous years and also the difficulty level was a bit more.
Cut Off Marks
The cut off marks for shortlisting candidates for AFCAT 2/2014 held on 31 Aug 14 is 123/300 and for EKT 45/150
How to Check the Result
To check you result you need to Log into your account which you created while filling the form, you can log into your account through the link which will be updated once it is active on IAF website. If you forget you password then you can retrieve on that page.
What to do if you qualified the written exam
If you got minimum required qualifying marks then, you can select AFSB venue and date .The last date for selection of AFSB venue and date is 25 Oct 14. Shortlisted candidates who fail to select their AFSB schedules on or before 25 Oct 2014 would be allotted their AFSB batches by the IAF and so intimated through their registered email ID. Candidates are required to print the Call up Letter from the website to attend the SSB Interview. You must give a deep thought before selecting the SSB date because now you are deciding the date it would be difficult to change. You must consider all the other exam which you will be facing and for final year students check your exam calendar for semester exams and then accordingly select the date.
What to do if you haven’t qualified
For those who are not successful in this attempt must not get demotivated, you have to accept the fact that you lacked something weather it is your knowledge, time management or any thing else but the fact is you lacked something in this attempt and you have to accept this fact. If you are passionate about joining Indian Air Force then you have to over come all the problems due to which you are not successful in this attempt. I would like to fuel in some motivation in you by saying ” Fall down seven times, stand up eight.” You fell down but this is the time to stand up and live up to the challenge.